SwimRVA, renowned for its commitment to water safety education, received a heartwarming email from Zendaya, a second grader at Lakeview Elementary School. Zendaya's message, shared on SwimRVA's Facebook page, expressed her gratitude for the #learntoswim program held at Virginia State University, SwimRVA's partner pool.
In her letter, Zendaya eloquently detailed her experience, highlighting newfound skills and confidence gained through the program. She fondly recalled favorite activities such as the "tickle tea," touch exercises, and treading water, demonstrating her enthusiasm for learning and mastering essential swimming techniques.
Zendaya's reflection also revealed a touching sentiment of surpassing her older brother, Tahj, in swimming abilities—a testament to the program's impact on her confidence and skill development. She expressed a desire for more time with SwimRVA to complete all the stations, emphasizing her eagerness to continue learning and growing as a swimmer.
SwimRVA reciprocated Zendaya's appreciation with warm thanks, expressing delight in her progress and offering anticipation for her return to complete the remaining stations. Additionally, they extended gratitude for Zendaya's participation and promised her a goody bag at the end of the program—an extra token of encouragement and appreciation.
Zendaya's heartfelt letter serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of SwimRVA's water safety programs, instilling not only vital swimming skills but also confidence and joy in young learners like Zendaya. Her story inspires both gratitude for the program's impact and excitement for the continued journey of water safety education.